Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And more...

And here's some more....
One year old Andrew at the beach

Two Brothers

Not sure what he thinks of the sand!

Making 7th Birthday wishes

At wedding in Kemah, TX(which just got hit by Hurricane Ike)

Random Pictures in no particular order from the past two years! (just to get these taken care of before the new little one arrives :))

Well, now that school has been in session over a month now(is it time for Fall Break yet?!!), I am finally getting around to posting the first day pic. Since I had such an obscene amount of pictures on my camera prior to last week, I actually just downloaded last years pic too! It is mind-boggling to me that my little girl is in 3rd grade already....I love seeing how much she has changed and matured year-to-year! The Top picture is from the first day of second grade, and the bottom one is the first day of third grade.

All decked out in the Gator!

4th of July Neighborhood Bike Parade

In downtown Franklin

Still waiting....

Well, I was hoping for an induction late tomorrow night/early Friday morning, but after re-evaluating things at my dr. appt. Monday, he decided I wasn't quite ready. While I would love to have a baby by this weekend, I really had a feeling this was going to be the case, and had already started praying that God would prepare my heart toward that end...I certainly don't want to force anything and end up having a difficult delivery! On the other hand, I would be perfectly happy if he decided to show his little face sometime over the weekend....we are anxious to meet him!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Monday, September 08, 2008

Well, as we can all see, I've fallen a bit behind in the blogging sphere. LOTS has happened, too many posts that just won't ever get made, but at least I can do bullet points, and finally post pics that, miracle of all miracles, aren't on my camera anymore....549 of them to be exact! No, I won't be posting that many, but I was shocked that's how many I had to download when I finally sat down to do it, motivated by the fact that delivery of #4 is rapidly approaching, and I had no more room on my camera... no wonder! And let me tell you, it takes major time just to delete that many pictures off your camera! Never again, I say! Okay, first to bullet points, then to pictures:

*Girls' beach reunion in Pensecola, FL--10 of my best friends from Auburn for three wonderful days.
*Visit with in-laws in Mobile
*3 days at Orange beach with just our family
*Caroline's 8th birthday with pool party for 16 little girls--whew!
*School starting...this has been WAY busier than I imagined...I still haven't figure out how to balance housework with schooling on the days I have everyone home...add nursing a baby every 2 hours in a couple of weeks= crazy!
*Getting ready for baby Henry...hoping for induction on the 19th...not very far away!
*Shower that some sweet friends threw yesterday afternoon...I am now well supplied with diapers, wipes and a host of other cute, thoughtful gifts.