Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All decked out in the Gator!

4th of July Neighborhood Bike Parade

In downtown Franklin

Still waiting....

Well, I was hoping for an induction late tomorrow night/early Friday morning, but after re-evaluating things at my dr. appt. Monday, he decided I wasn't quite ready. While I would love to have a baby by this weekend, I really had a feeling this was going to be the case, and had already started praying that God would prepare my heart toward that end...I certainly don't want to force anything and end up having a difficult delivery! On the other hand, I would be perfectly happy if he decided to show his little face sometime over the weekend....we are anxious to meet him!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

what great pictures! i'll be praying your delivery goes well. andrew really looks like bobby in that one picture with jack - it still cracks me up how blonde his hair is!! :) miss you! i know how crazy life is right now.