So, my days have been a blur of feeding Henry every two-three hours, doing laundry, homeschooling, and taking care of the thousand details that having six people in one household involve. Thankfully, God has been gracious and, at one month out, I finally feel like I'm getting enough rest at night and my body has recovered somewhat so that I can make it through the day without feeling like I need to crawl into bed after lunch....of course, the occasional afternoon snooze while the boys are napping is always welcome!
Henry is growing well, and changing before our very eyes. He was 7 lbs 6 oz. at birth, and of course lost some weight by the time we got home. At his one week checkup, he was at 7 lbs 2 oz, and the pediatrician said he should gain an ounce a day, so when he weighed 7 lbs 11 oz the next week, we were all very happy! He doesn't go back in until 2 months, so I'll be anxious to see the progress we've made :)
How precious! Glad to hear you're doing well and life is returning to normal! :)
He looks like Caroline! I so miss those early days. Never thought I'd say that, but it's true nonetheless. Enjoy!
Precious boy! I hope you continue to get more & more sleep -- I cannot imagine!!!!!
Oh, you're blogging again! Seems like last time I check, a while back, your blog wasn't visible. How fun to see recent photos of your sweet family... and Henry is a doll! I'm so glad to hear that things are going well and that you're settling into a routine.
P.S. My Sunday posts are some of my most favorite posts to publish. I'm glad that you enjoy them too.
Thanks, Y'all! I have to say the hardest thing about four so far, other than trying to get everything done, is making myself NOT try to get everything done. My body is truly requiring more rest this time, and although I have had to jump back into things in the sense that I have children to attend to at all times, I am not able to just jump back into life as I knew it before...not yet. We are spending much more time at home, and I'm guessing this will continue through the winter months.
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