Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pregnancy Update:

Next week I will be entering my last trimester, although I think I have already officially entered the world of going to the bathroom half a dozen times during the night. Note to self: do not drink anything after 6 p.m.! Anyways, I am also now in the stage of having to go to the dr. every week. No, not my ob, but a perinatologist, better known as a maternal fetal specialist. They assure me everything is fine(for which I am SO thankful), but since I had an exposure to Fifth's disease in May, and my blood work came back positive beginning of June, I have to go in every week for 10 weeks for ultrasounds. Their office is close to my ob's, so I'm trying to do the appointments back-to-back the weeks I have to go in for both. To be honest, it is kind of a major pain b/c I've got to drive 35 minutes each way into N'vill each week, but I AM so thankful that the technology is there to be able to detect if the virus starts affecting the baby, and that in the unlikely event that happens, they would be able to treat him. Also, God is soo good that my mom now lives ten minutes from us, and is available to keep our children for me during all these appointments...definitely a relief not to have to worry about that! And the up-side to having so many ultrasounds is that this baby will probably have more pictures of him taken before he's born than after he's born, although I don't know if he'll see that as a positive when he's older!
Okay, so I'm so far behind on blogging it's not even funny. We got sucked into the black hole of VBS for two weeks in a row and are just now getting out! So much has happened, that I'll just have to do bullets to avoid making this a chapter book :)

--Two weeks of VBS...the kids had a blast, learned a lot, were totally worn out, need I say more?!
--During those two weeks, a total of 4 play dates were arranged around VBS that included 3 spend the night outings for Jack, and 2 for Caroline.
--Tennis lessons are going well for Caroline. I'm so glad she's doing this, although I feel bad that it's from 4-5 in 90 degree afternoon heat! She dislikes forehand, but does well with her backhand and volleying. Two little girls from our neighborhood are in her class, so we are carpool buddies!
--Bobby was installed as a deacon in our church two Sundays ago. Our little church plant got a pastor last October, and now officially has two elders and three deacons. We pray God's blessings upon this body and that He will grow it.
--My mom got a King Charles Cavelier Spaniel puppy two weeks ago. Unfortunately, the breeder was a little shady, and the dog fell ill three days later. Mom took Buddy to the vet, and they did what they could for him, but he didn't make it. She went back to the breeder, who wouldn't give her money back, but offered another dog with an eye infection! Mom refused to take a sick dog, so the breeder then offered another dog that was a few weeks older and more hearty. Mom took this dog, but was disgusted that the breeder had kept this dog in the same kennel as the one with the eye infection! Thankfully, this dog(Buster) seems healthy and is eating like a horse. Caroline and Jack have enjoyed this adopted dog, and beg to go to Gigi's to play with it.
--One funny story from VBS: I had been telling Jack all about VBS and how much fun it was going to be. After picking him up the first day I asked, "Did you enjoy it?" and he said that he did, but complained that they hardly got any time to play. See, this child has never been to VBS before, nor mother's day out or preschool, and our church doesn't have SS, so he's never really been exposed to anything structured, which was part of the reason I thought VBS would be good for him. I assured him it was all fun, they just liked to organize the fun time into different groupings...singing, games, crafts, storytime, etc. So the next day, I go to wake him up, and I'm hurrying him to get ready, saying, "Jack, let's go. You've got to get dressed so we can go to VBS. You're going to have SO much FUN today!" He gives me this puzzled look and says, "You mean, we're going to a different VBS today?" I had to stifle a laugh b/c this is SO his funny little quirky personality. Anyways, after a few days, he got into the swing of things and was having a blast with his friends...thank goodness!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Well, it is Friday. And this weekend promises to be fun and full. Mom and I are planning to go to the Franklin Farmer's Market early in the morning to pick out some delicious fruit and veggies....I can't wait! I've heard the lettuce there is incredible and lasts for weeks, but you have to get there very early or it's gone. After that it's off to a lake party that Bobby's boss is throwing somewhere northeast of Nashville. We went last year and the kids (and big kids) had a blast. I say big kids, b/c all the young guys(no, Bobby decided it was time to separate himself from this group!) monopolized the giant blow-up slip 'n slide, in an attempt to show each other up on stupidity :) . Caroline and Jack had a great time in the canoes...I practically had to coax them in! Once we leave there, it's straight to Birmingham to stay with some old friends and attend the baptism of some other friends' fifth child. It will be a quick trip, but we haven't been in a while, and look forward to seeing friends and celebrating this wonderful event.

There is much to be done today, but I'm determined not to be stressed b/c I'm planning to get a lot done, and I'm looking forward to it! As Jack spent the night last night with a friend, and my mom is taking Caroline to the pool this morning(thanks, mom!), I should be pretty productive with only one child underfoot. I'm not the most organized(especially in my brain!), so a list really helps:

--make meal for neighbors who just had a baby(I LOVE doing this for people, although b/c of life and poor planning, it does often end up being stressful and last minute. Thankfully, I planned ahead, plus I'm doing the exact same meal I did last week for someone else, so it should be a no-brainer)
--go to cleaners
--go to Walmart(we're down to 2 diapers!)
--get stamps and mail package
--wrap two gifts
--pack for overnight trip

Also, I hope to (finally) get pictures up next week, and post some recipes I've been enjoying of late. Y'all have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Well, we had a great weekend on the Galveston Bay, although unfortunately, Caroline came down with a stomach virus Saturday night(thank goodness it was after she went down the aisle as flower girl!) , so we had to skip the last party on Sunday, and getting home on a plane was interesting to say the least. Let's just say she made use of most of the trash cans in the Houston airport!

But the wedding really was lovely, and it was great to see my friend Cali and her new husband, Chris, her brother Ryan, and her mother Sandy again so soon, as well as to get to visit with Robbie and Lacy(the groom and bride), Beau and LeAnn(Brother and sis-in-law to groom and bride), Jan, and to meet all their extended family. The wedding was at a yacht club on the Galveston Bay...very pretty, and the bride had grown up there. It was more than just a club, more like a community where a lot of the club members live in their own houses on site. So most of the parties and festivities were in houses all along the bay w/in walking distance of the club and all had beautiful pools that overlooked the bay. The food was all so deliciously well- done--classy, with a touch of Texan, and the band at the reception was awesome. The only negative thing I must say, which just made things interesting, is that Houston, and it's surrounding areas, therefore, Kemah, has got to be THE most miserably hot place I've ever been in my life. Now, I like hot weather, and I grew up in a hot place, and I've been in really humid places before, but Kemah, has the deadly combination of being both hot and humid, so much so that as soon as you step outside, you're not sure you can make it!

I have to share one thing from the ride home from the airport. Jack said(or this is what it sounded like to me and my mom), "Mama, I know that some people are junk." I said, "What?! People are what?!" "Junk, mama, Junk!" "What?! What are you saying son?" I try again. "Junk, you know, have too much to drink!" "Oh, you mean drunk!" "Yes, that's what I said." Evidently, some of the wedding guests must have made an impression on him!