Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My mom, the older kids and I are leaving town tomorrow to go to a wedding in Texas...YeeHaw!! Should be fun, especially since my kids are both in it and my friend whose wedding we went to a few weeks ago in Las Vegas will be there with her new husband as well. The major thing is taken care of...yes, the childcare for the youngest that I put off until the absolute last minute, but I need to get my thoughts in order for this very busy day!

--finish laundry and pack
--tidy house and vaccum
--get a pedicure
--buy three kid b-day gifts
--buy milk
--take Jack to golf lessons
--make dinner
--go to p.o. and drop of water bill

Okay, doesn't really sound like much all condensed like that, but I assure you it will take me all day! Better get to it!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Father/Son Conversations....

Jack: Daddy, is it weird to eat your scabs?

Bobby: Uhh, yeah, son, not only is it weird, but kinda really GROSS! Why do you ask?

Jack: Well, sometimes, I like to pick my scabs and eat them. What??!! Do I really have a son that does this??!!

Bobby: Let's not do that anymore, son.

Jack: Okay, Daddy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Soo....what's the deal with people not liking summer time? HELLOO, summer VACATION, anyone?! I hear people all the time complaining about summer and having their kids home all day, and I don't get it. Now, before you think that I'm some kind of self-righteous person who loves being with my kids ALL THE TIME, and doesn't need a brake, let me assure you that that isn't the case. I love my alone time, when the house is quiet, and I have no qualms about sending rambunctious children outside to play BY THEMSELVES to expend their energy. And when they've tired themselves out playing, I have no qualms about putting on a movie to enjoy when the afternoon has turned unbearably hot. But Caroline's last day of school was Friday, and I couldn't be more happy. I love not having to be places except when I want to, being able to plan my own schedule, spend an hour or two reading aloud to my children b/c we can...etc. And I'm so excited to have two whole months of no homework, deadlines, making lunches at 6:30 a.m. etc. I love hanging out our neighborhood pool, getting together with friends on weeknights, and going for ice cream after dinner. Part of it too, is that I love hot weather, and I know a lot of people do not. I detest being cold, and I just feel so ALIVE in the warmth of the summer. Am I crazy? I think too, that we will have a good balance of free time and planned activities to preserve everyone's sanity. I'm sure by August and as this pregnancy progresses, I'll be ready for structure, and excited about the start of the new school year(and getting closer to delivery!), but for now, I'm relishing summertime, and all the things that represents to me.
Whew! It's been a busy month so far....a trip to Las Vegas (WITHOUT THE KIDS!!) to celebrate my best friend's wedding, several b-day parties, end of school year luncheons, picnics, etc, plus Bobby's whole family just left after a wonderful five day visit. The kids have been so spoiled with fun outings, playing with cousins, and treats from Nana and Papa...the summer's going to be relatively boring in comparison! Tomorrow promises to be a relaxing day with daddy home from work for the fourth straight day(yea!), then Jack has his first golf lesson in the afternoon, and after that we're getting together for bbq with a group of good friends. Tuesday I'm going to have to get focused b/c I have a lot to do to get the older kids and I ready to go out of town on Friday. And I have to line up someone to keep Andrew on Friday until Bobby gets off work---YIKES! How could I have left that 'till now?!! Well, I did list procrastination as one of my vices, so who is surprised here?

Monday, May 05, 2008

Overheard on the way home....

Jack: Caroline, it would be really awesome if you could stop talking right now.

I see all of our discussions about kind speech are really paying off.
And the winner is......

it's a BOY! Not too surprised there--I had kinda hoped it might be a girl, but as soon as I lay down on that ultrasound table, I just knew it was a boy. And I'm really excited too. It will be fun having three little boys, exhausting, but fun. They will have fun growing up together, and will hopefully be close all their lives. And Caroline loves her little brothers too, so she wasn't too disappointed. Her silver lining is that she will always get to have her own room! And the baby looked great too....everything checked out and measured okay. We just need to get busy on a name! Now I have twenty weeks down, twenty weeks to go...dear Lord, make it go quickly, please!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

So on Monday we get to find out whether this latest addition to the Campbell family will be a boy or a girl. I really don't have a strong feeling either way. Odds are, it's a boy, but a tiny part of me feels like this pregnancy has been more similar to my first than the other two....Lord willing, we shall soon see!