Okay, so I've started a blog again...not really a writing blog, but hopefully, mainly a picture blog, tidbits of what's happening in our lives, etc...nothing big, just a way to record some memories.
Since Katherine tagged me, I'll just start the blog off with that.....
First thing you're supposed to write about is where you were ten years ago. I was finishing my last quarter at Auburn during my junior year, about to get married to my wonderful husband. I was so excited, stressed, etc. trying to study, maintain straight a's, attend showers that my friends were so gracious to give me, and plan a wedding from 700 miles away.
5 things on my list to do today:
1) homeschool with Caroline
2) practice violin with Caroline
3) finish putting away the five loads of laundry I did yesterday
4) Go to violin lesson
5) Clean my mom's new house and shampoo the carpets before the movers get there tomorrow
5 things to do tomorrow:
1) Help my mom get unpacked
2) Do "little school" with Jack
3) Practice violin with Caroline
4) Pick up carpool
5) Find SOMETHING to make for dinner
5 snacks I enjoy:
1) chocolate
2) pistachios
3) any kind of almond pastry
4) anything with cream cheese
5) Sunchips
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1) Pay off our house, our parents' houses, and sis-in-laws house
2) Get all kids' college funds established as well as post-college gift funds
3) Be able to help lots of people in need(not ministries, but people we know of or become aware of)
4) Help worthy ministries
5) Help my husband start his own business
5 bad habits:
1) being disorganized
2) chocolate
3) lack of exercise (really, when do I have time AND energy?)
4) complaining
5) procrastination
5 places I have lived:
1)Dallas, TX--first 18 years of my life
2) Auburn, AL--3 wonderful years in college
3)Birmingham, AL--first 7 years of marriage
4)Nashville, TN--for 10 months in a rat-hole
5)Franklin, TN--for 2.5 years...we love it!
5 jobs I have had:
1) Babysitting--ALOT in highschool
2)Dad's dr. office--filing charts
3)Ed Kellum and Son Appliances--counter girl
4) Halmark card filler--while in school and pregnant
5) Mom (BEST)